Thursday, May 28, 2009

Awkward Moment of the Day

The patient is a young black man who seems pleasant, but a little "off." He has a few complaints regarding this or that, and then states that he can't see out of his left eye. Without asking any further history, I immediately grab the ophthalmoscope and dive right in, checking the good eye first, and then moving over to the problem eye. I can't see anything going on in there. No bleeding. No signs of infection. No reflex of light coming back at me. Hmmm.

"Is this a glass eye," I ask.

"Yeah." I got shot through the eye a while back," he answers.

Oooh snap! I feel dumb.

1 comment:

Audzzz said...

Hey Fred- just got wind of your blog from Chip. Like it so far. :) It is like watching a preview for a movie you about to about five weeks.